Monday, June 13, 2016

New experiences for the fur babies

Beau, Miranda and Ben came for a visit over the weekend which was lovely.  

It wasn't the warmest day for a walk on the beach yesterday but we braved it.

There were fishing boats not too far off shore. No seals today.

I think we all needed to get out for a little exercise. It was the first time on the beach for the boy's dogs. They had an absolute ball. 

Beau and Miranda's new baby, Bronson

Ben's gorgeous girl, Reggie

And of course my fur baby, Machicho

Too many photos to choose from. Reggie spent a lot of time trying to eat the bubbles as the waves came in and Bronson was happy to play and investigate her new surroundings . There were so many new smells, things to see and the novelty of having so much space to just RUN!!!

Nanna enjoyed the photos and the story of our walk on the beach with the dogs. 

We certainly wore these two out.