Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wrecking for a reason and no reason at all

Wrecking for no reason at all is the mindless idiots who tried to break into my sons car last weekend. All they achieved is two totally destroyed door locks that have to be replaced and one less number plate that also has to be replaced. I have to be grateful that they didn't do any other damage that could have involved panel beaters. My daughter has also had several instances of minor vandalism on her cars and valuable property stolen from where she used to live.. It is sad to think that these people (probably kids) have nothing better to do and have not been taught or have ignored the lessons on respecting other people's property. We all work hard for what we have and sometimes the people who have things taken or wrecked have no more and in some instances less than the ones who cause the damage. Sadly very few of them are caught and punished for what they do. If nothing else please teach your children firstly to look after their own belongings and to also respect other peoples property. 

Wrecking for a reason. Just adding to the demise of the old factory.
They have started pulling down the old sheds and there is no mucking about over there.
You can see the old building with the iron off it and that tall metal frame was the tower in the Evaporator room.
Here is a side view. One whole section has already gone. This is what I see from the side door at work.
Now I know this is probably only of interest to those who know the building but I just wish you could get a closer view of how old those buildings really are. In no time at all I will see shiny new sheds in there!

1 comment:

Enchanted Moments said...

I hear you Jack, I have just found my carport wall all sprayed with black graffit tags this afternoon....and for what reason?
Boredom? I would like to spray paint their arses with it.....
Dont publish this