Tuesday, May 29, 2012

JaM-Something I noticed this week

This week I have noticed a very diverse and busy community living in my  Garden

Many species co-habiting relatively peacefully together.
 Hanging together, foraging for food and providing many hours of entertainment.

 These are just a few of the birds I have seen in the garden just in the last few days.
.Galahs have been toing and froing, Crows linger in the gum trees out the back
 Ibis fly over in a perfect V formation, ducks in pairs, Pee Wees alone or with their friends
Sparrows gather in the Banksia Rose chattering as they do.
 Small nectar eaters linger over the last of the Summer blooms and tree hoppers hide in the the Oak tree. The Swallows are back in the shed building their Winter nests. 
High above a pair of Wedge Tailed Eagles circle looking for their prey, as do two or three varieties of Hawks or Falcons.  Yesterday a Hawk flew over my head close enough to cause a breeze. Looking behind me he was on the ground with a small bird in his claws.
All day every day in the background there is birdsong. Some very melodic and some harsh and hard on the ears.
How many birds will you notice when you take the time to sit and see?
For more Bloggers taking Just a Moment to share a part of their week with you, visit Jody.


Jody Pearl said...

How peaceful and in tune with Mother Nature your surroundings sound Jackie - I'd be hard pressed to get anything done for sitting & watching all those birds!
Thankyou so much for sharing - it was like being there. x

Lisa - Sweet Little Pretties said...

I need to come to your house for a holidays looks amazing and relaxing!

Jenny's Place Online said...

Thanks for sharing, Jackie. Quite often we are hard pressed to see the smaller birds... your photos are great :) Happy crafting, Jenny

Bron said...

It is a lucky and blessed thing to have a backyard full of birds....we have many moments where we sit and notice all the wild birds in our yard too. Thanks for sharing, x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie,
You live in a great location full of natural beauty! Thanks for sharing your pics of these lovely birds- it's so relaxing and peaceful! :) Barb x

Andrea said...

What would a day be without birdsong?
I really can't imagine............we wake in the morning and their voices are the first thing we hear.
Love your pics Jackie.